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5 Reasons a good CRM for real estate is a must

CRM for Real Estate

CRM – if you’re in sales you’ve probably heard of one, it’s where you store all your contacts, right? And no, your Microsoft Outlook 2010 you have installed on your pc isn’t a CRM. So why is a good CRM vital for a real estate business? If you have no idea, read on. If you a seasoned CRM user, you’re probably better off reading the blog post either side of this one 😉

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If You’ve Not Got a Chatbot, Why Not?


Chatbots are becoming an integral part of how successful companies communicate with customers and help turn website visitor numbers into quality leads. But let’s back up a second; what’s a chatbot? You’ve likely talked to a robot already without even knowing it. In this case we’re talking about automated chatbots that send template responses to your visitors.

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Google My Business: One of the Most Powerful FREE Online Marketing Tools

Local search is becoming an ever important element of search engine result pages (SERPs) and Google My Business, which plays an important role in boosting rankings for local searches, is a must have for bolstering online presence outside the confinements of a website.

With Google My Business profiles being the most influential factor in local searches, it is important to ensure that your listing is fully optimized and updated on a regular basis.

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GDPR and What it Means for Email Marketers

European privacy laws and spam regulations form the Directive on Privacy and Electronic Communication (EU E-Privacy Directive). Although the main goal of the regulation is outlined by the E-Privacy Directive, each country is free to interpret it into local law. This lack of consistency means that each EU member state has different email and privacy laws.

The new law – The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – aims to bring together local laws in a bid to create a uniform email regulation that is consistent across all EU member states. GDPR is not a directive, it is a legality which will come into immediate effect on May 25th this year and apply to all EU countries.

So what does this mean for email marketers and what impact, if any, will this have on the email industry?

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Over 50% of Search Traffic comes from Smartphones and Tablets

mobile searchIt has been two years since Google first announced to the world that search queries from smartphones and tablets had overtaken desktop searches.

Although Google and Bing have not since released any official updates regarding the volume of mobile traffic vs. desktop traffic, many leading content performance marketing platforms support Google’s initial announcement.

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