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HubSpot for Real Estate

Why HubSpot is the ideal CRM, Sales & Marketing platform for Real Estate and Property Development companies.

Hubspot Qualified Agency

What benefits will HubSpot bring to my Company?

Play a 2 min video… do any of the situations seem familiar to you?

A Marketing, Sales and Service software that helps your business grow without compromise. Because “good for the business” should also mean “good for the customer.”


Here we outline some of the benefits that the implementation of HubSpot’s platform will bring to each department of your organisation.

Scroll Through The Benefits

Your Company:
A CRM, Sales & Marketing Platform that helps attract buyers, convert leads, and sell more property.

  • All-in-one solution
  • Easy to use
  • Save time, with Sales & Marketing Automation
  • Remote working becomes simple & effective
  • Align your Sales & Marketing
  • Build better customer relations
  • Full ROI tracking
  • Track all communications in one place
  • Integrates to your favourite Apps
  • Advanced reporting, to see the big picture
  • Granular analytics, deep insights on performance
  • Easily integrates to your website
HubSpot for Real Estate Companies
Sales Agents:
Save time, automate repetitive tasks & sell more!
  • Record all client interactions
  • Track your emails
  • Get notified when your documents are read
  • Email templates & sequences
  • Automated responses to enquiries
  • Deal Pipelines
  • Mobile App for HubSpot on the go
  • Easily filter & group your contacts
  • Integrate your Gmail or Outlook
  • Book meetings online
  • Set tasks and reminders
  • Revenue tracking & reporting
Real Estate Companies and HubSpot
Sales Manager:
HubSpot works for your team to optimise Sales performance.
  • Automate lead handling
  • Automate lead follow up
  • Lead scoring
  • Set up separate Team access
  • Monitor your teams’ performance
  • Set multiple goal types
  • Multiple Deal Pipelines
  • Filter & group your clients
  • Full attribution reporting
  • ROI reporting
  • Team meeting calendars
  • Switch contact owners without dropping the ball
HubSpot for Sales Managers

Marketing Team:
The tools to easily manage your Marketing, all in one place.

  • Complete Email Marketing platform
  • Integrate & manage your PPC campaigns
  • Publish your Social content
  • Automate campaign elements
  • Create & publish landing pages
  • Build your Blog with ease
  • Campaign planning tools
  • Target individual properties
  • Create & publish web forms
  • SEO recommendations
  • SEO topic clusters
  • Reports & Analytics
HubSpot for Marketing Teams

Marketing Manager:
All your Digital Marketing in one place, fully integrated to your Sales pipelines

  • Automate whatever you need with Workflows
  • Manage Google, FB/Instagram & LinkedIn Ads
  • Integrate all your lead sources
  • Manage your Social campaigns
  • Top level Email Marketing control
  • Easily control team permissions
  • Dashboards full of data
  • Control all your content publishing
  • Educate your team with HubSpot Academy
  • Integrate to all your favourite Apps
  • Automate nurturing & segmentation
  • Smoothly hand-off to Sales
HubSpot for

Web Design:
Developers build using flexible themes and content structures. Marketers easily edit and create pages on their own. Customers get a personalised, secure experience.

  • Drag and drop editors
  • Visitor personalisation
  • SEO recommendations
  • Multi lingual content
  • Full website or blog
  • Contact attribution reporting
  • No pesky plugin upgrades
  • Powerful developer tools
  • Dynamic content
  • Activity logs
  • Performance monitoring
  • 24/7 security monitoring
HubSpot CMS

Your back-office support:
Servicing your Clients & connecting with your Sales & Marketing is made easy!

  • All client communications in one place
  • Upload & track documents
  • Track emails
  • All new leads in one place
  • Quickly see client status
  • Easily re-assign contacts
  • Group Buyers, Sellers etc.
  • Inboxes for shared emails
  • Live Chat & Chat Bots
  • Team booking calendars
  • Easy notifications for Sales team
  • Integrate Messenger, WhatsApp & SMS
HubSpot for Operations Manager

Senior Management:
All your Sales & Marketing in one place, simple & efficient.

  • Your organisation fully connected
  • Complete control over access permissions
  • ROI – from first touch to sale & beyond
  • Don’t miss out on referrals
  • Optimise your Marketing spend
  • Assess your Sales & Service team performance
  • Custom report dashboards
  • Delve deep into live analytics
  • Projected revenues at a glance
  • Multiple Deal Pipelines
  • Receive regular reports by email
  • Sell more supplementary services
Real Estate Companies and HubSpot

Marketing, sales, service, and IT teams collaborate to nurture your customers.


Ideally your customer-facing teams works at peak efficiency to support the buyer’s journey in a seamless way.

In reality there are bottlenecks that lead to friction. Where do you see opportunities to improve?


Possible bottlenecks on your Buyer’s Journey….
Real Estate Buyers Journey

Funnel to Flywheel


The buyer’s journey is a cycle.


That’s why we’ve taken the traditional funnel — where someone moves from marketing, to sales, to customer service, all in separate silos — and thought about it in a new way. That new way is called the flywheel.


In the flywheel, each stage of the buyer’s journey is interconnected. And they feed each other, so you get leverage at every stage.

The HubSpot Growth Platform


HubSpot’s all-in-one marketing, sales, and service platform is built to help you implement inbound and grow better. It’s all powered by the same database, so everyone in your organisation — Marketing, Sales, Services & IT — is working off the same central “point of truth”. This allows for a smoother handoff between teams, and a more delightful experience for your customers.


Here are just some of the tools found in the HubSpot Growth Platform that your marketing, sales and service teams can leverage.

HubSpot CRM  – A suite of software that helps your business grow better by integrating every team’s tools, data, and processes.

HubSpot CRM

HubSpot Sales Hub – Time-saving sales software that helps you get deeper insights into prospects, automate the tasks you hate, and close more deals faster.

HubSpot Sales Hub

HubSpot Marketing Hub – Marketing software to help you grow traffic, convert more visitors, and run complete inbound marketing campaigns at scale.

HubSpot Marketing Hub

HubSpot Service Hub – Customer service software to help you connect with customers, exceed expectations, and turn them into promoters that grow your business.

HubSpot Service Hub

HubSpot CMS – Content management software that’s flexible for marketers, powerful for developers, and gives customers a personalised, secure experience.

HubSpot CMS

Ready to grow your Real Estate Business with HubSpot?

Ready to grow your Business with Voodoo & HubSpot?

Invigorate Your Sales & Marketing


What are your company’s challenges & goals? Let’s talk!