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Over 50% of Search Traffic comes from Smartphones and Tablets

mobile searchIt has been two years since Google first announced to the world that search queries from smartphones and tablets had overtaken desktop searches.

Although Google and Bing have not since released any official updates regarding the volume of mobile traffic vs. desktop traffic, many leading content performance marketing platforms support Google’s initial announcement.

One such platform is BrightEdge, who report that 57% of traffic among its clients is coming from smartphones and tablets. Of course, traffic from mobile devices can vary depending on the search category; searches for restaurants or weather reports are significantly higher from mobile devices than desktops, as are searches conducted by the younger generation.

And it is not just clients of BrightEdge that are favouring mobile searches; mobile traffic in the US now accounts for nearly 54% of all internet traffic, says web traffic analysis site StatCounter.

The reports highlight the significant role that mobile and tablet usage plays in today’s internet search enquiries and the repercussions of not keeping up with the growing trend: if you are unable to reach your audience through mobile search or display, or you are not providing a satisfactory mobile experience you will undoubtedly miss out to your competitors who are.





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