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What Happens in One Internet Minute?

stop watch

One minute. What can you do online in one minute…check an email, send a tweet… share a picture on Facebook? One minute. Sixty seconds. It’s not long when you think about it but a lot can happen in a minute, especially in an internet minute, when there are millions of other people doing exactly what you are doing in that very same minute.

In 2016, in just one internet minute 150 million emails were sent, 20.8 million messages were sent on Whatsapp and 2.78 million videos were viewed on Youtube.

In one internet minute there were 972,222 Tinder swipes, 700,000 people logged onto Facebook and 527,760 photos were shared on Snapchat. There were 347,222 tweets shared on Twitter and 28,194 new posts were shared to Instagram.

And it’s not just social media that attracts millions of online users; in one minute 69,444 hours were spent watching Netflix and 38,052 hours of music were listened to on Spotify, the internet is now being used as a form of escapism.


Original graphic by: Excelacom















In one minute Google received 2.4 million search queries, that’s essentially 2.4 million pieces of data used to direct products and services, related to your search criteria, your way; the magnitude of advertising and marketing potential here is phenomenal.

Statistics speak volumes, they are an integral part of business, and the ability to capture data from millions of people in just one minute is simply mind-boggling. Big companies are capitalizing on data captured from social media and online platforms, and working harder than ever to interpret big data.









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