[Comment] 3 Truths about Lead Nurturing
Obtaining new leads can be a relatively straightforward process, but following up those leads and engaging with the client seems to be more hit than miss for most companies.
We are going to take a look at the 3 main “undisputed truths” about lead nurturing, according to Seth Price, marketing strategist and content contributor at martechtoday.com.
1. Follow-ups have no limit
Many companies have a self-imposed time limit for follow ups and all too often give up on leads far too soon.
Most follow-ups, whether from email, post, telephone or voicemail should be practiced in the first three days of initial contact and any other contact should then be spread out over the next 100 days or so after. Although it may feel like an aggressive tactic, it is important to remember that they have already registered their initial interest, so it is your job to gently nudge them and reach them in any way possible, says Price.
2. Automation is a must
Marketing people [we refuse to use the word marketers at Voodoo] have the ability to automate emails, texts and calls by using a variety of CRM (customer relationship management) platforms. Using one such platform allows you to find the balance between automated and manual communication; if you have a hot lead a personalized follow-up will be more suitable whereas an automated message would provide a sufficient follow-up to a warm lead.
Whether you are following up leads with automated messages or personal ones, it is important to end on a question. Ask, “Did you get information you were looking for?” instead of “If you have any questions, let me know”. It is an empathy trigger that drives engagement, says Price.
3. Content marketing is not just for lead generation
Content marketing can be a powerful tool in lead generation, however, it is also an effective way to nurture and grow client relationships especially when leads have long sale cycles; you are actually doing the client a service by sending them additional information or resources to help them decide what it is they need. Sending them a blog post, a check-list or brochure ensures that the client sees you as an expert and has you and your company in mind when they are ready to take the next step forward.
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