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Vizify to shut down following Yahoo! acquision, not so yahoo…

Vizify to shut downSwanky-looking social data visualisation firm Vizify has announced that following its acquisition by Yahoo! it will be “sunsetting the Vizify service” which is a polite and rather obscure way of saying they’re binning it.

In a newsletter sent out today they said that as “part of their transition to Yahoo”, they will no longer be allowing new signups or purchases of paid plans.

What does this mean for people with Vizify accounts?

As an existing Vizify account holder, look for an email in the coming weeks with more details. But for now, to make the transition process easier on you, we’re taking a few extra steps:

For all bioholders, free and paid, the company will be providing a way for you to opt-in to “archive” a snapshot of your current bio that will remain live at the same URL through September 4, 2014.

For those of you with a current paid plan, Vizify will be issuing a full refund for everything you’ve paid Vizify.

For Premium customers who registered a domain through Vizify (like your-name.com), Vizify will be providing instructions so you can assume ownership of your domain, free of charge.

 What you need to do:

You’ll be getting an additional email from Vizify next week with steps you’ll need to take. In the meantime, see their FAQ.

Voodoo Internet Marketing says: “It’s a big shame. We like Vizify. Another case of a big fish buys little fish and kills it.Let’s see what the rationale was behind the buyout…”

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