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A21 Update: Mobile-friendliness Google Ranking D-Day

Barry Schwartz writing for seoroundtable.com today quotes Google's Zineb Ait Bahajji, a Webmaster Trends Analyst, revealing that Google's Mobile Friendly algorithm will have a bigger effect than that of Panda or Penguin. Barry writes that although this mobile-friendly algorithm only impacts mobile search, this "can be...

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Google using HTTPS as a ‘lightweight’ ranking signal

Https Google Ranking SignalGoogle invests a lot in making sure that their services use industry-leading security, like strong HTTPS encryption by default. That means that people using Search, Gmail and Google Drive, for example, automatically have a secure connection to Google.

Zineb Ait Bahajji and Gary Illyes, Webmaster Trends Analysts wrote on the Official Google Webmaster Central Blog:

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Walkthrough: How to invite LinkedIn connections to Like your Facebook page

invite-Linkedin-connections-to-Like-facebook-PageSetting aside that most of the people who have Liked your Facebook page probably don’t get to see your posts anyway, size still matters – at least to company bosses. Unless your page is about laughing babies or cars or Justin Bieber, building your audience of Likes for a Facebook page can be a little hard work, especially if you’re not prepared to pay Facebook Inc for a get more likes campaign… But those of you in LinkedIn know that once you get rolling, it is eeeasy extending your network of connections. Did you know you can invite your LinkedIn connections who have Facebook profiles to Like your Facebook Page? Of course you didn’t. Here’s how you do it.

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SEO: is it science fiction or science fact? The SEO Periodic Table

SEO-periodic-table-2Search engine optimization — SEO — may seem like some form of obscure magic code known only to a handful of overpaid consultants. The truth is there is a science to it. Search engines reward pages with the right combination of ranking factors, or “signals.” SEO is about ensuring your content generates the right type of signals which search engines look for when determining the relevance of a site to a search query.

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Google launches search removal tool after EU ‘Right to be forgotten’ ruling

Google image

Google has launched a new online search removal request tool via a submission form as it starts the lengthy process of executing the “right to be forgotten” rule following its recent loss in a landmark EU court case.

Individuals will now have the right to request “irrelevant, outdated or inappropriate” information about them or their company to be removed from Google’s search results.

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Comment: Google’s Panda 4.0 possible effect on real estate websites

spamGoogle’s recently released an update to the way its search algorithm works, dubbed “Panda 4.0″ aimed at discriminating against websites that publish duplicate or spammy content. It has long been a conundrum as to the SEO value of real estate website listings which are imported from and exported to third party sites. So how will Google”s Panda 4.0 update affect real estate websites?

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Google releases Panda 4.0 causing havoc among major brands

Google releases Panda 4.0Pandas may look cute and cuddly, but they can be extremely hazardous to your health. The same can be said about Google’s most recent update to the way its search algorithm works, dubbed “Panda 4.0,”which is said to be wreaking havoc with some major brands on the web, according to Business Insider.

“The intent of Google’s updates is the same as all its previous updates: It is attempting to discriminate against spam webpages that publish duplicate, thin, or useless content simply for the purpose of getting search traffic from Google,” writes Jim Edwards for BI.

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