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What’s a LinkedIn Company Page when its at home and how do I get one?

LinkedIn Company PagesWe’ve all heard of LinkedIn, the social networking site for professionals.

So you’ve got your LinkedIn Profile and are connected to hundreds of people, most of which you don’t know.

That’s great, but how can you benefit if you are NOT looking for a job?

Maybe you already have a successful company, and you hope that by some cyber-osmosis miracle your ‘connections’ will think of you when they need to hire the services of a company such as yours.

A few months ago LinkedIn launched its Company Page facility, along the same lines as Facebook and Google+ pages this allows you to promote your company’s products or services to potential customers.

With LinkedIn Company Pages you can also share content to your page much the same way you can with FB and G+.

You can set up pages for each product or service, add a videos, recruit people…

Why should you set one up for your company? Well, for start there is the small matter of LinkedIn’s 200 million members, then there is the fact that it’s the place professionals go to mingle online while their kids are on facebook fraping each other and celebrities are tweeting themselves to exhaustion (unfortunately, not extinction).

Oh, and it’s free.

But as with all things LinkedIn – IMHO – creating a Company Page is NOT the easiest thing to figure out how to do.

The first thing you need to know is that you need to have double-digits connections, that’s posh for more than 10.

Then you have to have a company email address (no a Gmail/Hotmail email won’t do). This is LinkedIn’s rather feeble way of making sure you at least have something to do with the company you are about to create an official page for. I’m sure Bill Gates might be a little pissed if he found out that the office temp has set up the official Microsoft LinkedIn Company Page.

You have your double digits connections and you are armed with your company email address, where the button to set up a company? Not so fast pilgrim.

Let me talk you through it…

On your LinkedIn Home page click on the Company tab on the right of the horizontal menu at the top as marked below with that eloquent yet somewhat chubby red arrow.

LinkedIn Company Pages

Click on ‘Search Companies’ and the on the companies page click on ‘Add a Company’ on the top right as marked below.

LinkedIn Company Pages

Follow the instructions, and hey presto.

LinkedIn Company Page

Any questions, leave a comment below and I’ll do my best to answer.

Or you could hire us here at Voodoo Internet Marketing to do it for your professionally in a jiffy!

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