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How to… give someone admin access to your Google Plus page

Voodoo Internet MarketingIn the often confusing universe of Google Plus, giving someone else admin access to a company page is, as most G+ functions, a tad convoluted. Here’s how to do it, courtesy of Voodoo Internet Marketing.

Google have been flogging Google+ for some time now, and although it seems few people don’t like it or get the point of it, we are all forced to dig it because Google likes it.

And what Google likes, we like.

As with Facebook to create a Google Plus (G+) page you first need a personal profile. But how let’s suppose you want to either add someone else to the list of page managers (admin), how do you do that?

Step one, when you’re on the page in question, click on the ‘About’ option on the horizontal navigation. Then click on the little cogwheel as shown below which is the universal icon for ‘settings’.

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Choose ‘settings’ from the drop down menu and click on ‘Managers’ as illustrated below.

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Enter the email address of the person you wish to add and click on ‘Invite’ as shown below.

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And you’re done!

NB: If you want to make someone else the owner of the page anyone who has been a manager of the page for more than 2 weeks can become the owner.

Voodoo Internet Marketing

Brought to you by Voodoo Internet Marketing, probably the best internet marketing, SEO, PPC, and social media management company on the planet.

There, I got my keywords in like a good boy.

Need help? Why not hire us to manage or optimize you social media?

Email:  info@voodoointernetmarketing.com

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