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5 Reasons a good CRM for real estate is a must

CRM for Real Estate

CRM – if you’re in sales you’ve probably heard of one, it’s where you store all your contacts, right? And no, your Microsoft Outlook 2010 you have installed on your pc isn’t a CRM. So why is a good CRM vital for a real estate business? If you have no idea, read on. If you a seasoned CRM user, you’re probably better off reading the blog post either side of this one 😉

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Facebook Set to Tackle ‘Click- Baiting’

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Facebook announced this week that it is making some improvements to the News Feed function on its site.

There will be two updates, the first is to help reduce click-baiting headlines, and the second is to help people see links shared on Facebook in the best format.

‘Click-baiting’ is a method where publishers post vague links with a headline to encourage people to click on it to see more. Posts like these usually get lots of clicks and the more they are seen by people the higher up in your news feed they appear. In a post published in its online newsroom Facebook said it will reduce the amount of click baiting on its site so it “does not drown out the things that people really want to see…”

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Costa del Sol’s Voodoo Internet Marketing launches ‘Bare Bones’ low cost monthly social media and SEO plan

Vooodoo Internet MarketingA Costa del Sol internet marketing company has launched a new package aimed at proving online marketing cover for local businesses with very limited budgets.

As the name suggests, Voodoo Internet Marketing’s new ‘Bare Bones’ package fills the gap for members of the Marbella and wider Costa del Sol business community who, due to difficult trading conditions in Spain, feel they cannot afford online marketing.

This monthly plan enables them to keep a ‘bare bones’ presence online.

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