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Property sales boost during pandemic

A surprising property sales boost in Marbella and surrounding areas is taking place in particular for luxury properties. Faced with global lockdowns, travel restrictions and the new normal of home working, buyers are particularly keen to resettle either permanently or to a second home in a more favourable location. With the threat of further lockdowns a major contributing factor when choosing Marbella as a base. The good weather and glamourous lifestyle being top selling points.

Buyers are decidedly of the opinion…

“Why be somewhere cold and damp when you can enjoy the sunshine ”  

property sales boost

If the current pandemic has shown one thing, it’s that home working is a manageable option. With many deciding to stop delaying and make the investment now. Enquires and sales for luxury properties have increased, even without a physical visit to the property. Potential buyers have been surprisingly quick to embrace new tech. With sales automation, and lead nurturing in great demand. Virtual viewings are another rising trend among buyers who just don’t want to spend another lockdown under grey skies.

Despite the restrictions on movement in many countries, international buyers are keen to have peace of mind. Knowing that any possible post travel quarantine is largely outweighed by spending it in a home in the sun.

The remote working phenomenon fuelled by COVID has also powered a demand for high end property sales boost worldwide.

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