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Mobile Friendly: Latest from Google on the A21 ranking update

mibile friendlyAs we approach the April 21st date of the release of Google’s mobile-friendly algorithm, SeachEngineLand.com uncovers more SEO facts about what to expect around the algorithm.
Yesterday (March 25th 2015) Google answered a series of questions in a Google+ hangout on the topic of this new mobile-friendly ranking algorithm. The three things we learned were:

(1) The mobile friendly algorithm will start rolling out on April 21st and will take a few days to a week to completely and globally.

(2) You are either mobile friendly or not, there are no degrees of mobile-friendliness in this algorithm.

(3) The fastest way to see if your web pages are mobile friendly is to see if you have the mobile friendly label in the live mobile search results now via the Mobile Friendly Test

Barry Schwartz writing for seoroundtable.com earlier this month quoted Google’s Zineb Ait Bahajji, a Webmaster Trends Analyst, revealing that Google’s Mobile Friendly algorithm will have a bigger effect than that of Panda or Penguin.

Although this mobile friendly algorithm only impacts mobile search, this “can be around 50% of all queries on Google these days. If your site is not mobile friendly, it will suffer greatly in the mobile search results. So make sure to get ready now for this April 21st launch,” he wrote.


Although we all know that ignoring mobile search traffic is not a long term option, but does this mean that we all fork out thousands now just in case, or is it worth waiting and seeing what impact the mobile friendly update has on your traffic. At SMX West this month, Mitul Gandhi of seoClarity reported that mobile search currently makes up about 30% of total traffic, regardless of industry. In terms of impact to you there are two matters at play, what you are risking if you ignore the mobile friendly update and what you stand to gain by taking action now. Once thing is for certain, come April 22 we’ll all be keeping a close eye on our web traffic for any significant changes…

Watch this space.

Source: SearchEngineLand.com & seoroundtable.com

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