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Speed To Lead

Speed To Lead

Why it Matters for Your Business After conducting some research about speed to lead, it's clear that the first agent a potential buyer speaks to is the most likely to make a sale. This is particularly important for companies that rely on PPC Ads for leads,...

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5 tips for effective lead follow Up

5 Top Tips For Lead Follow Up

When it comes to lead generation, lead follow up is just as important as the initial outreach. A rapid follow up on leads can increase the chances of closing a sale and establishing long-term customer relationships. Here's our top 5 tips for effective lead follow Up: Respond...

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Property sales boost during pandemic

A surprising property sales boost in Marbella and surrounding areas is taking place in particular for luxury properties. Faced with global lockdowns, travel restrictions and the new normal of home working, buyers are particularly keen to resettle either permanently or to a second home in...

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GDPR and What it Means for Email Marketers

European privacy laws and spam regulations form the Directive on Privacy and Electronic Communication (EU E-Privacy Directive). Although the main goal of the regulation is outlined by the E-Privacy Directive, each country is free to interpret it into local law. This lack of consistency means that each EU member state has different email and privacy laws.

The new law – The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – aims to bring together local laws in a bid to create a uniform email regulation that is consistent across all EU member states. GDPR is not a directive, it is a legality which will come into immediate effect on May 25th this year and apply to all EU countries.

So what does this mean for email marketers and what impact, if any, will this have on the email industry?

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