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Q&A Landing Pages: My bounce rate has increased, is this normal?

Q. “Can you please tell me if the bounce rate at 80% and the duration on the site at under 10 seconds is normal on the type of campaigns we are running?

What can we do to improve this? Should we be concerned?”

A. A higher bounce rate (the percentage of single page visits to a website) for landing pages is very typical. Our only reason for running the landing pages is to get conversions and not to optimize bounce rates.

If you think that a good conversion rate running an AdWords campaign pointing to a lead generation landing page in your industry at the moment is about 5%, that means that 95% are vising one page only, hence a rise in bounce rate.

According to Kissmetrics, a landing page with a single call to action typically sees bounce rates in the 70-90%.

As long as the high bounce rate is limited to the landing pages, (check in Google Analytics : Acquisitions / Channels) there is nothing to be concerned about.

If the bounce rate of organic traffic rises then you can deduce that they came, they didn’t see anything they like and left (a bad thing). But in the case of landing pages it is perfectly normal.

The same as the above applies to time on site. You only have a few seconds to grab the lead, so in your case if they were spending more than 1 minute on the landing page it is probably too much info and we’d be looking to convert sooner. So as above, as long as the time on site is limited to social (Facebook ads), paid search (AdWords) and display (AdWords), it is all OK. Check that the time on site for organic traffic is acceptable, and you can relax a little.



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