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Google Authorship

Whoa! Authorship alert! Why is my snazzy profile photo and Google+ circle count no longer appearing in the search results?

Google-Drops-Authorship-Profile-PhotoWondering why your Google+ profile pic and number of Google+ circles you’re in have vanished from search results? Don’t worry, it’s not that Google doesn’t like the look of your mug. Google’s John Mueller announced they are making a major change in the search results around authorship. Specifically, Google is dropping the profile photo and circle count from the search listings where authorship is assigned to a web page.

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Costa del Sol’s Voodoo Internet Marketing launches ‘Bare Bones’ low cost monthly social media and SEO plan

Vooodoo Internet MarketingA Costa del Sol internet marketing company has launched a new package aimed at proving online marketing cover for local businesses with very limited budgets.

As the name suggests, Voodoo Internet Marketing’s new ‘Bare Bones’ package fills the gap for members of the Marbella and wider Costa del Sol business community who, due to difficult trading conditions in Spain, feel they cannot afford online marketing.

This monthly plan enables them to keep a ‘bare bones’ presence online.

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