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Guides & Downloads

Knowledge is Power! Download your free guides to professional tips for successful Inbound Marketing & Lead Generation.
An Introduction to Lead Nurturing

An Introduction to Lead Nurturing

How to nurture leads for smarter marketing
This free ebook will help you discover how to create effective marketing campaigns, with 5 steps to set up an effective lead nurturing campaign

Download here

The Sales Persuasion Playbook

5 Secrets to Successful Calls
In this guide, we’ll discuss soft skills, concrete tools and pre-call preparation required for consistently successful sales calls

Download here

How to make successful sales calls
A Guide to Selling In Uncertain Times

How to Equip Your Sales Team to Adapt to Change

How Sales Culture is Changing

This guide dives into how sales culture is changing, metrics for measuring remote selling, best practices for managers, and the future of sales.

Download here

How to Move Your Business Online

The amount of people who work remotely at least once per week has grown by 400% since 2010.

After reading this ebook you will be ready to transition your business, including operations, marketing, and sales online by supporting your teams and online sales force.

Download here

The guide to moving your business online

Real Estate Lead Follow-up Example Blueprint

This infograph will show you:

  • An example of a multichannel lead follow-up process of a typical real estate from the moment it is created.

More info & Infograph here

Customer Lifecycle Stages

In this infograph you will learn & see:

  • How to qualify & define leads
  • How to understand the lifecycle of a lead
  • How to rectify any weak links in the lifecycle process
  • See a break down of the 5 lifecycle stages of a typical real estate lead

More info & Infograph here

Real Estate in Spain: Lead Flow Outside Office Hours

In this Free E-book you will learn:

  • Percentage of leads 6pm-9am
  • How many generated on Sundays
  • Why speed matters with follow up
  • What you can do about it

More info & Ebook here

How to follow up Paid Online leads – scripts & tips

Successfully work your online leads

  • 60 Scripts
  • Phone, Email & Text Message
  • Follow up best practices
  • Why you should never give up

More info & Ebook here

Real Estate in Spain: the Guide to Generating Inbound Leads

In this Free Guide you will learn:

  • How to Generate Leads
  • How to Qualify Leads
  • Lead Generation Benchmarks
  • Campaign Tips

More info & Ebook here

30  Greatest Lead Generation Tips, Tricks & Ideas

These 30 tips, tricks and ideas will teach you:

  • What makes killer performing landing pages
  • The best lead-generating content
  • How to create offers that are impossible to ignore
  • Secret website optimization tips with A/B testing

More info & Ebook here

The HubSpot Price Guide

The ideal price guide for start-ups and those new to HubSpot
Confused about PRICING, PLANS. TIERS, HUBS? This straightforward guide covers the basics that you need to know

Download here

Get in touch with one of our Specialists

Sales Automation & CRM from HubSpot

How to get sales automation working for you
Work smarter with automation software and artificial intelligence. Eliminate those manual, time-consuming sales tasks and sell more and sell better.

Download here

Sales Automation & HubSpot CRM

The Great Customer Service Guide

Learn how to keep clients happy & provide great customer service
Download the customer service guide to help you better service your clients.
In todays market customers expect quick resolutions and 24/7 support with many service teams struggling to meet demands.

Download here

free customer service guide

Invigorate Your Sales & Marketing


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